This is the Reason Why Flu Drugs Always Make You Sleepy

What if you are busy with activities, but the flu suddenly attacks? Of course, it feels very uncomfortable. Concentration becomes dispersed, all work becomes chaotic, even the body feels not fit. Want to take cold medicine, but are afraid to interfere with activities because they often cause drowsiness, which inhibits productivity. Before you buy medicine at a pharmacy or at an Canadian Pharmacy Online, you can consult your doctor or pharmacist so that you get the medicine according to your needs. Actually, what causes you to be drowsy after taking cold medicine? Find the answer in the following review.

What happens to the body when you catch the flu?

When you get a flu virus, your immune system will react to fight against the virus. You will experience flu symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Actually, this is not the work of a flu virus that attacks your body, but the work of histamine, which is one of the substances produced by your own immune system.

Histamine is a chemical produced by the immune system to fight allergens and germs, including the flu virus itself. The effect of histamine is that makes the blood vessels in the nasal cavity wider, causing the nose to become blocked. As a result, the fluid in your blood vessels will increase and increase the production of mucus. This is what causes your nose to runny.

Why do cold medicines make you sleepy?

Flu medicine contains antihistamines that have a function as a flu reliever, has a function as well as a defense to withstand flu symptoms coming. This is what causes the nose to stop secreting fluids when we have a cold.

So, how does it relate to side effects, which are sleepy? Well, this is related to the influence of histamine on the central nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord. Histamine is what makes you awake and easy to concentrate. When you take cold medicine, antihistamine compounds in the drug will enter the brain and interfere with your consciousness and tend to cause drowsiness and difficulty concentrating.

Many flu drugs on the market usually contain first-generation antihistamines, namely antihistamines that are more sedative or calming. The reason is, this type of antihistamine is better for treating cold symptoms than for newer types. Several antihistamines belonging to this type are diphenhydramine and doxylamine succinate. You can visit “Canadian Pharmacy” to find relevant information.

So, what can be done to prevent drowsiness?

The effects of drowsiness caused by cold medicine tend to be different in each person. Maybe you will be sleepy, while other people stay awake and normal despite consuming the same cold medicine.

Antihistamines on nasal sprays also tend to make you sleepy. The reason is, this spraying method targets your nasal passages directly rather than sending drugs throughout your body through the bloodstream. However, you certainly cannot arbitrarily use nasal spray without the doctor’s advice.

So, before you choose a cold medicine, you need to make sure the side effects caused by the drugs offered and monitor their effects on your health. Do not hesitate to discuss with your doctor to get the best advice for dealing with flu.

If you are afraid of drowsiness during the day and risk inhibiting your activities, take flu medicine at night. Because, in addition to relieving flu symptoms, this will also make you easier and faster to fall asleep. Also, avoid taking cold medicine when you want to drive so that it doesn’t interfere with concentration and endanger your safety.

However, the most important thing is that you need to take precautionary measures so that you don’t catch the flu. The trick is to avoid exposure and eat healthy foods that can prevent flu, such as honey, chicken soup, or green tea.